Podiums and Terraces

Roof podiums and gardens play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life in inner cities in the UK. These urban green spaces offer a range of benefits that address a variety of challenges and contribute to creating more sustainable and livable urban environments. 


Roof podiums and gardens are essential components of urban planning and design in the UK's inner cities. They address a range of urban challenges, promote sustainability, and significantly enhance the overall quality of life for residents, making these spaces a valuable asset for both the present and future of urban living. They deliver an abundance of benefits including:

  • Green Space in Dense Urban Areas: Inner cities are often characterised by high population density and limited green spaces. Roof podiums and gardens provide much-needed greenery, offering residents and workers a place to connect with nature, relax, and unwind.

  • Improved Air Quality: Plants and trees on roofs help to filter pollutants from the air, thus improving air quality. This is especially important in urban areas where pollution levels are typically higher.

  • Mitigation of Urban Heat Island Effect: Inner cities tend to experience higher temperatures due to the urban heat island effect. Green roofs and podiums can help reduce this effect by providing natural cooling and insulation, which in turn can reduce energy consumption for cooling.

  • Biodiversity and Habitat Creation: These green spaces provide habitats for birds, insects, and other wildlife, promoting urban biodiversity. They help support pollinators, which is crucial for urban agriculture and maintaining healthy ecosystems.

  • Stress Reduction and Mental Health: Access to green spaces has been linked to reduced stress, improved mental well-being, and a sense of tranquility. This is especially important in densely populated and often hectic inner city environments.

  • Community and Social Spaces: Roof gardens and podiums can be designed to include seating areas, community gardens, and other social spaces. They serve as a gathering point for residents, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

  • Urban Agriculture: Many roof gardens support urban agriculture initiatives, allowing residents to grow their own produce. This promotes sustainability and food security in urban areas.

  • Stormwater Management: Green roofs can absorb rainwater, reducing the strain on urban drainage systems. This helps prevent flooding and reduces the risk of combined sewer overflows, which are a problem in some UK cities.

  • Energy Efficiency: Green roofs can help insulate buildings, reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling. This, in turn, reduces carbon emissions and energy costs for both residents and businesses.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Green spaces on roofs and podiums enhance the visual appeal of the cityscape, making the urban environment more attractive and enjoyable for both residents and visitors.

  • Property Values: Properties with access to well-maintained roof gardens often have increased market value. This can be an economic incentive for developers and homeowners to invest in these spaces.

  • Compliance with Sustainability Goals: Many cities in the UK are committed to sustainability goals, including reducing carbon emissions and increasing green spaces. Roof podiums and gardens help cities meet these objectives and work toward a more sustainable future.

The service

Working with our sister company Tremco and specialist partners we can offer a holistic solution to podium roofs. Our service covers: 

  • Design and build package including bespoke design support and detailed drawings
  • Supply
  • Structural Waterproofing installation to roof
  • Management of the podium roof solution via specialist partners
  • Warranty 

The solution 

1 Orgreave Way
S13 9LS
t: +44(0)1270 439909

© StructureCare
1 Orgreave Way
S13 9LS
t: +44(0)1270 439909

© StructureCare