A specialist installation, repair and maintenance contractor, providing a range of market-leading construction products and services covering the infrastructure, industrial, retail, commercial, and residential industry sectors in the UK.
We specialise in waterproofing flat and commercial roofs, car park facilities, elevated service decks, balconies, podiums and terraces, as well as installing specialist protective coatings and movement joints to prolong the life of a structure.
We deliver a wide range of concrete repair services, ranging from traditional methods through to advanced solutions such as cathodic protection. Undertaking detailed surveys initially to understand the issues at hand and then specifying the most optimum solution.
Our roofing service covers everything from reactive repairs and housekeeping to annual proactive preventative maintenance programmes for all building sectors, from schools and hospitals to offices and housing blocks.
StructureCare offers a wide range of structural waterproofing solutions suitable for a range of applications, specifically podiums, rooftop gardens (green roofs), stadium waterproofing and service decks. The system can also work harmoniously as a blue roof build-up helping mitigate flooding in our inner cities.
AlphaGuard Blueshield: Standout fire compliance
Tottenham Hotspur - Tottenham
Convention Centre - Harrogate
Durham Rail Station - Durham
Freshney Place - Grimsby
Initial site surveys for refurbishments and 1:1 consultations for new build